Asos (Assos) is a miniature village in the north of Kefalonia island. In the winter months, when there are few tourists, the population is less than 100 people. But in the Middle Ages it was a significant defense center and regional capital.
The main development of the town was in the Middle Ages, when it was under the influence of the Venetian Republic. Venice was the strongest state in the region from 1363 to 1797 and captured all coastal areas .Kefalonia was captured in 1500, and in 1593 construction of a huge fortress began. The length of the defense walls – 2 km.The fortress was supposed to replace the castle of St. George, which could no longer cope with threats from Turkey and pirates. But due to a number of problems, in particular due to the lack of drinking water, it never became a full-fledged military object. After the capture of the Lefkada island by Venice (1684) and the founding of the city of Argostoli on Kefalonia (1757), the fortress completely lost its strategic importance.
Now Asos is a purely tourist center and the fortress is the main attraction. There are many hotels, restaurants and a small beach. There is a good paved footpath to the top of the hill, which offers scenic views of the authentic settlement and the coast.