That of the Channel Islands (English: Channel Islands) is an archipelago located off the coast of Normandy (France). It is approximately 150 km (about 85 nautical miles) from the coast of southern England.Here you will find hidden beaches, lush valleys, quiet country roads, breathtaking coastlines and milder temperatures than any other British territory.The Channel Islands are considered the sunniest territory in the British Isles.
The two largest islands are Jersey and Guernsey. Politically they are not part of the United Kingdom, but are so-called Crown Dependencies: that is, they are territories belonging to the British Crown but administered independently by local authorities, which enact their own laws and hold their own elections. The governments of the islands of Jersey and Guernsey are called Bailiwick (Baliati): the other islands of the archipelago are part of one of these two Baliati. The current currency is always the pound sterling.
The other permanently inhabited Channel Islands are Alderney, Herm, Jethou, Sark, and Brecqhou, all of which belong to the Bailiwick of Guernsey: Sark in turn is a territory with its own local government, while Brecqhou is a private island that is part of Sark’s territory. In addition to these there are dozens of other uninhabited islands.