Izumo Taisha is located in the city of Izumo in Shimane Prefecture, a one hour train ride west of Matsue. It is one of Japan’s most important shrines.There are no records of exactly when Izumo Taisha was built, but it is often considered the oldest shrine in Japan, being already in existence in the early 700s as revealed by the nation’s oldest chronicles.
Izumo used to be ruled by a powerful clan in pre-historic times, and the region plays a central role in Japan’s creation mythology. The main deity (kami) enshrined at Izumo Taisha is Okuninushi no Okami.According to the creation myths, Okuninushi was the creator of the land of Japan and the ruler of Izumo. He also became known as the deity of good relationships and marriage. Visitors consequently clap their hands four times instead of the usual two times during their prayers:twice for themselves and twice for their actual or desired partners.