Art, Theaters and Museums

Italy | Scarzuola,the ideal city

Scarzuola the ideal city The convent, abandoned by the Franciscan Friars in the 18th century was acquired by one of the most renowned Italian architects of the 20th century, Tommaso Buzzi (1900-1981) from Milan. In twenty years hebbuilt his own "cittadella"—ideal town—centered around seven theaters, which was inspired by thenHumanistic ideals of the harmonic composition of Nature and Culture. There are constructions of high symbolic value—even in their names: The Babel Tower, The Musical Scalenof the Seven Octave, Jacob’s Ladder, etc. etc.—running along the visit pathway. The climax is reached with the representation of the Acropolis, a mountain of Buildings, which are empty inside and often overlapping.

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