Seurasaari is an island in Finland, famous for its outdoor museum. The Seurasaari Museum is nothing more than a reconstructed village with a series of wooden buildings transplanted from the Finnish hinterland into the wooded greenery of the island.
The museum was founded in 1909, from an idea and Axel OLai Heikel an expert in ethnology and vernacular architecture: many of the buildings transported to the island are from the 18th and 19th centuries; the church of Karuna is the oldest building, from 1686. Heikel’s idea was to collect buildings from different provinces and localities in Finland, to capture different peculiarities. There are now 85 buildings on the island."One of the most popular events taking place on the island is the juhannuskokko, a bonfire lit off the island by a recently married couple. Thousands of people – tourists and residents – watch this event from the coast, or from the ships docked at Seurasaari".