Who of us has never dreamed as a child to be among those huts and those flowery meadows, running carefree with the little goats? Yes, Heidi’s house really exists. We would never have thought to be able to enter in its baita, to see its dresses and its little shoes, to play with the goats, to run on those bloomed pastures and to admire the wonderful show of those mountains. All this is possible in Heididorf, Heidi’s village.
We are in Switzerland, in the canton of Grisons, where the small village of Maienfeld is located, the village of Heidi, the most loved shepherdess in literature. Heidi, born from the pen of Johanna Spyri, used to walk through the valleys, pastures and villages near Maienfeld. She lived with her grandfather in a small alpine hut, which she was forced to leave in order to spend some time in Frankfurt. The book was published in 1880 and since then it has enjoyed worldwide success; it has been translated into 50 languages and is known throughout the world. Many films and short films have been made, but it is above all the Japanese cartoon drawn by the magical pen of Miyazaki that has made Heidi so popular.