Palaces, Villas and Castles

Gromo Losa Palace

Originally an elegant stately home, Palazzo Gromo Losa seems to date back to the 14th century, at least as far as the sleeve overlooking Corso Piazzo is concerned. In the following centuries the building was enlarged to its present size. At the end of the nineteenth century the building was bought by the Rosminian Sisters, who founded the Institute "Beata Vergine d’Oropa" (BVO), which over time has become an important reference point for the school system of Biella. In 2004 the complex was acquired by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella, which promoted its complete restoration, allocating it to cultural and social activities. In 2016, the Foundation finally conferred management of the property to its instrumental company Palazzo Gromo Losa Srl. Palazzo Gromo Losa is today a modern exhibition centre, but also an original container of cultural and social projects. The latter are mostly promoted by the Perosi Academy Foundation, hosted on the first floor. Finally, a particularly valuable element is the Italian garden of about one hectare, created by Emanuele Rosa, a patron from Biella, who created suggestive corners with roses and various botanical species.

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