Typical Dishes

Gran Bollito misto alla piemontese

The Gran Bollito misto alla piemontese is also called "Bollito storico risorgimentale piemontese" (historical Piedmontese Risorgimento boiled meat) because it was much appreciated by King Vittorio Emanuele II. It is a very rich and elaborate dish consisting of: seven main cuts of beef that are cooked together in the largest pot, seven ammennicoli (i.e. cuts of meat cooked in different pots), seven tasty sauces including bagnet verd and bagnet ross, a lure (pork loin) and four side dishes of vegetables (boiled potatoes, mushrooms, spinach in butter and sweet and sour onions). At the end of this rich meal, a cup of boiling broth is served. The Gran Bollito is another dish to be enjoyed during the cold season together with an excellent Piedmontese red wine such as Dolcetto, Barbera or Grignolino.

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