Giuseppe Verdi Theatre: the Duchess Maria Luigia, accepting the decision of the Anzianato, approved with sovereign rescript of May 4, 1847 the erection in Fiorenzuola D’Arda of a Community Theatre designed by the engineer Giannantonio Perreau.
On the evening of October 8th 1853, the theatre, illuminated by day, was inaugurated with the opera Attila by Giuseppe Verdi, in front of an audience that crowded the stalls and the three tiers of boxes. The orchestra, made up of the best professors of the Ducal Theatre of Parma and orchestra members of the Municipality of Piacenza, was directed by the first violinist Ferdinando Squassoni, who was also curator of the show as impresario.
In 1914-1916 it was restructured on the project of engineer Giuseppe Frignani and decorated by professor Paolo Vanoli: it was raised by adding the gallery to the three orders of boxes and enlarged with the construction of six proscenium boxes.
In 2013 the theatre museum was set up inside the building, which can be visited by appointment, by contacting the culture office of the municipality. There are numerous references to the maestro Giuseppe Verdi who was used to starting from the train station of Fiorenzuola d’Arda where an epigaph was placed.