The international activity of the Accademia has allowed the restoration and conservation of instruments of great value, among which an organ by Luigi Benedetto Tronci of 1793, preserved in the cathedral, and above all an instrument by Willem Hermans of 1664, which is in the church of the Spirito Santo. In the latter there are two organs, one opposite the other. The second one is from 2007, added especially for double-organ concerts, which are definitely not common. The Academy also possesses various antique instruments for Baroque music, as well as a spinet from 1731 that is in perfect working order, used by Don Ludovico Giustini, a musician from Pistoia who in 1732 was the first to publish sonatas for the newborn piano. All the instruments can be seen on request, and can be freely played by any competent musician, regardless of their technical level. The Academy also organizes Baroque music weekends and, obviously, organ concerts.