The Angevin-Aragonese castle, indisputable protagonist of the Gaetano panorama, dates back to the 6th century. The name is due to the conformation of the Castle, consisting of two different buildings, now communicating, built respectively by the Angevin and Aragonese dynasties in two different historical moments. It is not easy to go back to the period in which the Castle of Gaeta was built.
It was probably erected in the sixth century during the war of the Goths or in the seventh century when the maritime areas of Lazio and Campania were the object of the expansive aims of the Lombards. In Gaetan documents of that period we begin to refer to Gaeta with the name of " Kastrum".
Certain news of the existence of the Castle of Gaeta is had at the time of Frederick II of Swabia, who during the period of the struggles with the papacy, stayed in Gaeta on several occasions and, sensing its strategic position, in 1223 he had the castle fortified.