Fountains, Squares and Bridges

Freedom Square

Piazza della Libertà, built in 1803 in place of the medieval cathedral, is located in the centre of the city and is surrounded by imposing and majestic buildings, first of all the Palazzo Municipale with its red façade. Here, on the other side, is the noble and majestic Palazzo della Prefettura; previously Palazzo Ghilini. It was Benedetto Alfieri who designed for his uncle Tommaso Maria Ghilini (1732) the "little palace" on the eastern side of the central Piazza della Libertà, today the seat of the Prefecture and the Province. The façade is very beautiful, with two orders of windows; inside you can admire stuccoes, mirrors, superstructures and fireplaces typical of the 18th century. On the left that singular, modern building, adorned with mosaics is the Palazzo delle Poste. In the small square a little further on we find the Cathedral.

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