Originating in Nevers,Négusis a soft, chocolate-flavoured caramel covered with a crisp sugar shell. It is rectangular, slightly bulging, with oval edges, and was invented in 1901 by a confectioner calledGrelier. At the end of every year, this gentleman would create a sweet bearing the name of an important event that had taken place that year. That particular year he wanted to celebrate the visit to France of the Emperor of Abyssinia,Menelik, also called Negus. The patent was filed in 1902.
The Négusis handmade from milk, sugar, cocoa, butter and sugar syrup, and sold in a pretty, round green box.
Glossy and dark brown in colour, the Négus has quite a hard shell, but is deliciously melting on the inside, and can be enjoyed all day long!