Palaces, Villas and Castles

Fort of Toamasina

Fort Toamasina is a military stronghold located on the east coast of Madagascar, in the town of Toamasina (Tamatave). The fort is also known as Fort Manda. The name "Manda" comes from the Malagasy word "manda-be," which means "big rock." The fort is built on a large rock overlooking the town and port of Toamasina, and was an important center of defense and commercial control during the colonial era.Built by the British in the 1830s, the fort was once an important trading center and a strategic site for controlling the city.The structure of the fort consists of a series of stone walls and star-shaped ramparts, with a large central tower that housed soldiers and ammunition. During the French colonial era, the fort was used as a prison and military training center.Today, the fort has been restored and is open to visitors as a tourist attraction. A visit to the fort provides an overview of Madagascar’s history and life during the colonial era, and you can see some of the gunboats and weapons used by soldiers of the time.The fort is also situated in a scenic location overlooking the city and port of Toamasina, offering spectacular views of the surrounding area.In summary, Toamasina Fort is a military stronghold located on the east coast of Madagascar, built by the British in 1830. Today it is a popular tourist attraction, providing an insight into Madagascar’s history and life during the colonial era, and offering spectacular views of the city and Toamasina harbor.

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