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Florence | Piazzale Michelangelo

Huge panoramic terrace from which to enjoy a spectacular view of the city, Piazzale Michelangelo – dedicated to the Renaissance sculptor celebrated with a copy of one of his works, the David , placed in the center of the square – was built when Florence became the capital of Italy . Overlooking the stone railing that surrounds it, the view of the square offers a suggestive view. The bridges follow each other elegantly, illuminated by the colors of the city that are reflected on the water of the Arno. The Duomo , Santa Croce , Palazzo Vecchio, are within sight, as are the hills that embrace the city. To reach the square, a suggestive walk runs along the monumental stairways called Rampe del Poggi from the San Niccolò district , as an alternative to a car trip along Viale dei Colli. Unmissable for every tourist who passes through the Tuscan capital, Piazzale Michelangelo is also much loved by Florentines who never tire of admiring their beloved city.

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