Art, Theaters and Museums

Florence and the hidden self-portrait of Benvenuto Cellini

The city of Florence is full of secrets. A secret to discover in Piazza della Signoria is inside the Loggia dei Lanzi, on the right side of the square, known as the Lanzi because here the Lanzichenecchi camped in 1527 on their way to Rome. One of the masterpieces of the loggia is certainly the beautiful bronze statue of Benvenuto Cellini, the wonderful Perseus triumphant holding the severed head of Medusa by the hair, and with the other a sword and standing majestically looking down on the viewer as a warning to all. This statue, presents in one of its parts the self-portrait of the author, where is it? For those who do not have the time or the desire to engage in this hunt for a self-portrait, they must direct their gaze to the back of the head of Perseus. To do this, they must enter the loggia, reach behind the statue and look upwards and suddenly Cellini’s face will be revealed in all its clarity. Remember that the self-portrait is placed in a shadowy area and therefore without sunlight it is not very visible.

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