Typical Dishes

Fish sandwiches

Fischbrotchen is a fish sandwich typical of the Bremerhaven region of northern Germany. The sandwich is prepared with fresh smoked fish, pickled cucumbers and onions, served inside a fresh bun.Fischbrotchen is a specialty of northern Germany and is often served at waterfront kiosks or harbors in the region. The fish used can vary, but local species such as herring, salmon, or swordfish are often used. The fish is smoked according to local tradition, using woods such as oak, beech, or birch.Fischbrotchen is usually served in a plain version, just with the smoked fish, pickled cucumbers and onions. However, there are many variations of this sandwich, with added ingredients such as cheese, avocado, bacon or mustard.Fischbrotchen is a popular specialty in the region, and has become a cultural symbol of Bremerhaven and northern Germany. It is often eaten as a quick snack or lunch, accompanied by a local beer or cold drink.

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