Uncontaminated Nature

Fairy Pools: the fairy pools on the Isle of Skye

Visiting the Fairy Pools involves a fair hike across the moors following the course of a stream to the point where a series of waterfalls and pools can be found in a ravine cut by the waters. The starting point is usually from the road to Glen Brittle and a car park is available but, due to the popularity of this walk, it is woefully inadequate and parking can present problems at busy times.The walk to the pools is described as “easy” but it does take around 45 minutes each way and the path, although partly gravel is in places little more than a simple mud track. There are a couple of river crossings involving the use of stepping stones and these can be a little tricky especially in wet weather. The pools themselves present an enchanted scene, the most noticeable feature being their vivid blue-green appearance. Some of the pools are deep and care needs to be taken especially with children.

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