Nestled in the rocky and rugged panorama of the Karawank Mountains you’ll find one of the most beautiful lakes for swimming in Carinthia. Renowned for its crystal-clear waters, the Faaker See takes on countless shades of turquoise – from the light turquoise blue of a July afternoon, a hue that’s almost reminiscent of the Caribbean, to the mysterious deep, dark turquoise of a crisp October morning. The Faaker See: a natural gem of a lake in southern Austria.. With an area of approximately 2.2 km2 (0.85 sq mi), it is the state’s fifth-largest lake. In 1855, Lake Faak inspired the local priest Franc Treiber to compose the song Nmav čez izaro (Over the Lake), which soon became one of the best-known Slovene folk songs, and still today is considered the unofficial anthem of the Carinthian Slovenes.