Dynastic library, collects the book collection of the Este family, whose first traces date back to the 14th century. At the instigation of Marquis Niccolò III, it took on the physiognomy of an important humanistic library, rich in works of literary, historical and artistic content, and its endowment grew considerably in the humanistic and Renaissance period with valuable manuscripts and fundamental printed editions, thanks to the Dukes of Este’s refined and careful vocation for collecting. In 1598, the Library followed the dynasty in moving the capital from Ferrara to Modena.
In the following centuries, the Biblioteca Estense continued to be enriched with local and international works, funds deriving from the suppression of religious orders and bequests and acquisitions also due to the enlightened activity of famous librarians such as Ludovico Antonio Muratori and Girolamo Tiraboschi. After the Unification of Italy, the Biblioteca Estense merged with the University Library, which brought with it an important collection of philosophical, juridical and scientific texts: thus was born the Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, today a modern institute of national interest.