

Ericeira, on the other hand, is a slightly larger village, which over the centuries has kept its ancient structure intact, with the splendid walls that were erected to protect the city from attacks from the sea. It is a splendid urban nucleus on the sea: sapphire sky and salubrious air accompany the walks through these enchanting streets, where it is also possible to go shopping buying the products of the local handicraft. The centre is grouped around a small main square, Praça da República, where you can find some nice restaurants where you can try the typical recipes of this lovely town. Obviously, fresh fish and seafood dishes are the best choice, although the highlight here is lobster, bred in ocean hatcheries. The houses in this village are particularly colourful and lively, as happens in most of the seaside towns in Portugal, which is also known worldwide for this peculiarity. Its coastline, which alternates cliffs and inlets, manages to keep intact all the beauty and atmosphere of this place, despite the tourism in summer reaches important numbers. Ericeira, in fact, is one of the most popular locations for surfers from all over Europe who come here to face the waves of the Ocean with a magnificent backdrop.

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