Art, Theaters and Museums

"Majesty" is a fresco by Simone Martini

"Maestà" is a fresco by Simone Martini, realized with the collaboration of other artists in 1315, measures 763 x 970 cm. and is kept in the Palazzo Pubblico in Siena. The work is frescoed on the "Parete del Mappamondo" in the Sala del Consiglio, also known as "Parete della Balestra". The painting occupies the entire width of the wall and just over four fifths in height. In the centre of the composition stands out the Madonna and Child, on either side of which the figures of saints, apostles and angels are arranged on three virtual concentric ellipses, contrasted by a background of intense ultramarine blue. In the group on the right, for example, St. Paul, the archangel Gabriel, St. Mary Magdalene, have been identified – variously arranged, but always from left to right.

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