The earliest historical records related to this product date back to the mid-1800s and are related to the founding of the Confraternity of St. Anthony Abbot of Mentana.
In the ancient Statutes of the Confraternity, still in force today, in Art. 7, in the rubrics dedicated to the feast, it is specified that among the obligations of the Confraternity, there is one that commits them to bring "as per tradition, two gate donuts and a large bottle of wine, to the old and the new festarolo."
Ill product when released for consumption has a rosette shape reminiscent of the decoration of iron gates widespread in the area.
Golden in color tending to dark brown, it is characterized by a not particularly sweet flavor in which a hint of aniseed prevails. Ideal when accompanied by a good glass of wine.
The ingredients used are extra virgin olive oil, local wine, wheat 00 flour, eggs, salt, anise and water. the quantity is around 0.2 tons/week.