Diocesan Museum of Gubbio
The archaeological section presents a very rich collection of Greek, Italiot, Apulian and Etruscan ceramics from the 7th century B.C. to the classical period, including two Kilykes signed by Taleide and Fraix; a Roman and early medieval lapidary; a very precious numismatic collection of Greek, Magna Graecia and Roman coins from the 7th-6th century B.C. to the Carolingian period. In the various rooms there are examples of painting and sculpture from the 13th and 14th centuries, including the splendid panels painted by Mello from Gubbio.
The fifteenth-century painting is represented by works from the workshop of Ottaviano Nelli, Taddeo di Bartolo and a splendid cycle of frescoes with scenes from the Passion of Christ. A finely decorated Flemish Renaissance cope represents the " of the collection of sacred vestments and liturgical furnishings.
Works by artists such as Benedetto Nucci, Cristoforo Roncalli (Pomarancio), Giovanni Battista Salvi (Sassoferrato), Giusto di Gand complete the offer of riches that a serious visit to the city of Gubbio cannot do without.