Den Gamle By, also known as "The Old Town," is an open-air museum located in the center of Aarhus, Denmark. The museum is a popular attraction for visitors to the city, as it recreates life in Denmark during the 18th and 19th centuries, with historic buildings, working craftsmen, and characters in period costume.Den Gamle By covers an area of about 32 hectares and includes more than 75 original historic buildings, including houses, stores and factories, from different parts of Denmark. The buildings have been dismantled and reconstructed inside the museum, with interiors carefully restored and furnished with period furniture.Inside the museum, visitors can explore daily life in Denmark’s past through observing how people lived, worked and interacted. There are artisans working as tailors, carpenters, and blacksmiths, as well as stores selling food, clothing, and arts and crafts.The museum also offers special events throughout the year, including performances, festivals and markets, to give visitors a more immersive experience of life in the past. There are also restaurants and cafes within the museum that serve traditional Danish specialties.Overall, Den Gamle By is one of the main attractions in Aarhus and offers visitors an educational and engaging experience about life in Denmark in the past.