
Coronavirus | Important Travel Tips to Avoid Infection

Coronavirus | Important Travel Tips to Avoid Infection The World Health Organization provided a set of tips to travelers to limit the spread of the disease coronavirus: 1 – Avoid contact with anyone who shows symptoms of respiratory diseases such as sneezing and coughing. 2- Use alcohol hand sanitizer with at least 70 percent ethanol (check the label on your bottle — most sanitizers given out as freebies at events, or from higher-end lotion and body care brands, are less than 70 percent and be less effective than those with higher alcohol content) 3- Keeping washing hands again and again for at least 30 seconds each time. 4- Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes with unwashed hands 5- Cover the mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing (not your hands), then throw the tissue in the trash and wash the hand immediately. 6- Constantly cleaning and disinfecting things and surfaces. 7- Onboard an aircraft, keep the air vents above your seat open for ventilation 8- Wipe down airplane armrests and tray table with sanitary wipes 9- Use tissues to open restroom doors 10- Staying at home in the event of a cold and influenza, while avoiding hugs and kisses in the interest of the health of others.

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