Art, Theaters and Museums

Como | Silk Museum

The Museum originates in 1985 on the initiative of the Class ’27 with the collaboration of the Ex Allievi del Setificio, two associations from Como that have worked hard to recover the finds coming from the silk textile factories in the city of Como. Since 1960 the textile industry in Como has undergone deep and irreversible transformations. Then, in the eighties, the factories definitively abandoned their historical sites. This context offers the possibility to realize the collection of machines and industrial finds as irreplaceable evidence for the reconstruction of the history and work related to the complex silk textile activities. Today the exhibition area of the museum is about 1,000 square meters and the heritage on display is unique worldwide. The exhibition rooms, in fact, as well as the exhibits inside them, offer the visitor the possibility to know, in the most complete way possible, not only the production process but also the individual working phases that characterize it. The display of particularly impressive machinery is accompanied, in some cases, by the possibility of admiring parts of machines that are in any case significant for educational purposes.

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