The Manifattura dei Marinati collects the tradition and culture of Comacchio, a town that has always had a close link with its valleys. During the autumn period it is possible to see the entire cycle of processing of anchovies, aquadelle and especially eels, with the preparation that is done in the Fire Room and involves four main phases: cutting, skewering, cooking and packaging. In the upper room are projected in the audiovisual room, showing what the city and the surrounding area was like and telling the story of life in the valleys of the past.
The factory is now home to the Anguilla Museum, a museum not to be missed if you want to understand the deep bond between the Comacchiesi and the products of their waters. It is an experience that lets you perceive the gestures of daily life in the past, spent next to the fires and among the voices of women who choose the right brine, dosing vinegar, water, salt and bay leaves.