The Collection de l’Art Brut is a unique museum that exhibits artwork made by self-taught artists, often referred to as "loners," from backgrounds outside the conventional art circuit. This includes people such as outsiders, individuals with mental disorders, prisoners, and others who might be considered on the fringes of society.The concept of "Art Brut" was coined by French painter Jean Dubuffet in the 1940s to describe works of art made by individuals who worked outside established cultural and artistic norms. These works often reflect authentic and sincere creativity, unaffected by dominant artistic trends.Inside the museum, visitors can view a wide range of artworks, including paintings, sculptures, drawings, and installations. Each work tells a unique story and offers a different view of the world. As you explore the different sections of the museum, you can immerse yourself in extraordinary creative worlds and discover new perspectives on artistic creation.The Collection de l’Art Brut plays a crucial role in recognizing and highlighting artists outside the artistic "mainstream." This museum provides a platform for the visibility and understanding of artworks that are often overlooked or misunderstood.In addition, the museum regularly holds temporary exhibitions and events that explore the theme of Art Brut and its influence on contemporary culture. This allows visitors to further explore the fascinating and complex world of art made by individuals outside the conventional canons.The Collection de l’Art Brut in Lausanne is a place of inspiration and reflection, offering a unique experience in the art world. It is a must-see for those interested in discovering authentic and diverse artistic expressions from creative minds outside the traditional boundaries of art.