Fountains, Squares and Bridges

Cividale and the Devil’s Bridge

Built in stone since 1442 and driven by two arches, it rests on a natural boulder located in the bed of the river Natisone. A legend is linked to the bridge. Legend has it that in ancient times the citizens of Cividale gathered in assembly to devise a way to build a solid stone bridge connecting the two banks of the Natisone. Unable to conclude anything, they invoked the Devil. The latter offered his help for the construction of the bridge, demanding in exchange the soul of the first one who would pass through it. The assembly accepted the conditions of the Devil who built the structure in one night. There was also the intervention of the mother of Satan who carried a large boulder in her apron (the central pillar of the bridge still rests on it today) and laid it in the middle of the river. The following morning the Devil demanded the reward. While the people of Cividale were wondering who had to sacrifice themselves, a noisy gang of kids came from "Borgo di Ponte" chasing a frightened little dog. The latter, unaware of the discussion in progress, crossed the bridge always chasing the unfortunate little dog whose soul was taken, obtortocollo, by the Devil who was so mocked.

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