From the Renaissance period, therefore later than the other churches of Teggiano, S. Martino has undergone numerous restorations over the centuries, not least after the fire of 1820, by Giovanni Carrano.
The plan is basilical, with three naves separated by monolithic stone columns, without a transept. From the presbytery one enters the apse, polygonal vaulted, through a triumphal arch resting on solid pillars.
The access to the inside is given through an arcade with three round arches resting on smooth columns; the vaults are cross vaults.
The main portal, flanked by two minor doors, although not bearing any inscribed date, has decorative forms of the late eighteenth century, is formed by two pillars resting on a pedestal, adorned with two coats of arms and surmounted by an architrave with frieze.
The historical news indicate S. Martino as parish until 1940.