Religious Places

Church of San Giovanni del Vaglio

The bell tower of the Church of San Giovanni del Vaglio rises majestically next to the sacred building. Dating back to the 16th century, the bell tower was rebuilt after an earthquake in 1541 and today is a visual landmark in the skyline of the village of Montefusco. Featuring a civic clock, the bell tower adds a touch of ancient elegance to the church’s architectural landscape.The Church of San Giovanni del Vaglio, of Romanesque origins, dates back to the 12th century, as evidenced by the apse still present. Over the centuries, the church underwent several transformations and extensions. In 1281, under the reign of Ferdinand I, it was elevated to Royal Chaplaincy, while over time it obtained recognition as a royal foundation and collation, later becoming Royal Palatine Chapel during the reign of Ferdinand of Aragon in 1460.Throughout its history, the church has gone through various stages of change. In 1921, the palatine church was transformed into a modest parish church by joining the benefit of the ancient church of St. Bartholomew. Despite the changes, the Church of St. John del Vaglio still retains its historic and artistic charm.Inside the church, one can admire splendid architectural details and works of art. A magnificent 18th-century ceramic floor welcomes visitors, while three wide aisles, separated by a double row of round arches, stretch before them. Tuscanic columns supporting the arches come from older monuments and are flanked by isolated columns of local stone.Each nave has three finely crafted marble altars adorned with sacred paintings of saints and decorated with stucco. The ceiling, made of wood, is divided into painted squares, a characteristic feature of the 18th century. The high altar, following the custom of ancient basilicas, consists of a single mensa.Inside the church, there is also a chapel adjacent to the sacristy dedicated to the Holy Thorn. In the past, this chapel housed a precious relic of the Crown of Our Lord Jesus Christ, donated by the Angevin rulers. Unfortunately, that relic was stolen in 1975. In addition, a baptistery carved from a single block of stone and frescoes dating back to the 15th century adorn the walls of the church. Prominent among the frescoes is that of St. Michael.The Church of San Giovanni del Vaglio represents a treasure trove of art and history in the village of Montefusco, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of devotion and admire the artistic wealth behind its centuries-old walls.

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