Chapada Diamantina region is located deep inland and quite far from any large city that are mainly strewn along the long coast of Brazil. Nevertheless, it’s worth to stray away from the beaten by tourists paths and explore the breathtaking nature of Chapada Diamantina.The Chapada Diamantina National Park, established in 1985, is located in the State of Bahia. The Park covers an area of 152,000 hectares in a dozen municipalities, being one of the largest Brazilian national parks outside the Amazon region.
Located in the heart of Bahia, Chapada Diamantina is considered an oasis right in the middle of Sertão, with mild temperatures and everal river springs. The region was drawn over billions of years, when the rains, winds and rivers have carved the rocks, creating valleys and mountains.
The park still does not have visitation control, but one can visit it from many locations, especially from Lençóis, Vale do Capão, Mucugê, and Andaraí. Access to its attractions, most often, is performed by hiking.With a rich architecture and a high number of Listed building by the Historical and Artistic Institute (IPHAN), the place is a haven for cultural exchange between locals and tourists. The mining period left its legacy, giving feeling, taste and identity to the Chapada.
The great object of protecting this area is the conservation of its river springs, highlighting the Paraguaçu river, responsible for supplying 60% of the population of Salvador. The park also safeguards a genetic bank important for scientific research and conservation of biodiversity. Every year, at least four or five new species of endemic plants and three species of animals are discovered in the region.