Right from Porta Uzeda, continuing towards the sea, Catania is truly theatrical, and not only for its architectural beauties or the panorama. In Piazza Bellini the city becomes the stage of music with the main theater, the Bellini, dedicated to the Catania-born Vincenzo Bellini, but universally known as Teatro Massimo or Teatro Massimo Bellini, to the point of creating a bit of confusion on the name of the composer of the Norma, the work with which it was inaugurated on May 31st, 1890.
With an eclectic style, it dedicates to its namesake the fresco of the vault in the central hall, which is famous for its perfect acoustics. Try to take a look at the rich program, buy a ticket and let yourself be seduced by the set design and music of a ballet or by the voices of an exciting opera.