Due to its dominant position, the remains of this feudal castle create an atmosphere of mystery. It was considered a place of protection by the inhabitants; they took refuge there to escape enemy raids.
It was declared a National Monument by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage. There is no certain information about the date of construction of the building, but on a plaque placed at the entrance we read in Latin that in 1580 it was "falling due to old age".
In 1751 it was rebuilt by the Colonna family.
A certificate shows that in 1751 the castle was surrounded by walls with two towers. Inside there was a large staircase with only one window, the kitchen, a room with a broken table ceiling, a series of other rooms, storerooms and cellars. Currently the castle is not in good condition. Still visible are the perimeter walls (on which a series of ogival windows can be seen), part of the surrounding wall and a tower illuminated by two ogival windows.