According to legend, the castle takes its name, "of the Route," after the defeat that Thomas of Savoy suffered here in 1639 at the hands of besieging French soldiers. But this castle was also a Templar possession: in fact in 1196 the manor was donated to the then Master of the Temple Militia, becoming de facto property of the Knights of Malta.
castle that stands in the hamlet of Rotta di Moncalieri, which, according to the many legends that have been passed down through the ages, was built in the Middle Ages in a strategic position to facilitate the occurrence of paranormal phenomena .
The manor, in fact, would rise at the exact point where two important lines of earthly force meet, which is why numerous ghosts have continued to appear here with a certain punctuality for centuries.
The legends that revolve around the manor are hundreds, the testimonies of apparitions, more or less singular, are not counted and even today there are numerous experts from the world of the paranormal who, from all over, come to Turin to come and study this place closely
The ‘appointment of greatest attraction is the night between June 12 and 13: on this date, in fact, according to numerous testimonies, every year would repeat a sort of procession of spectres that from the surrounding areas head towards the manor house.