Called Palus Acherusia by the ancients, known by Lycophron and described by Strabo, Lake Fusaro took this name only in the Angevin period, when it was used for steeping hemp, which was grown in the Cumaean territory.
Owned by the Bourbons, since Charles III bought it from the Annunziata Establishment to gratify his hunting passion, organizing hunting trips in the nearby forest (Pineta) and fishing in the lake. The area was enhanced and beautified by Vanvitelli father, designer of the works, related to the construction of the buildings and buildings, necessary for fish and mussel farming.
… Upon the departure of Charles III from Naples, it was his son Ferdinand IV who completed the works, making use of the flair and professionalism of Vanvitelli junior (upon his father’s death).
Two buildings were constructed in the tree-lined park, enlivened by geometrically divided flower beds: one called the BARACCONE, which included a large canopy, supported by arches and pillars; it served as a shelter for the boats of the royal families and contained all the equipment needed for fishing.
The other building, called the CASSONE was used to store the catch in large closed containers of reeds so that it would stay alive during the sale. Also born was that stupendous octagonal bombonier, rising out of the sea like an exotic flower, a short distance from the shore, which is connected to it by a bridge-scalander.
Mezzanine floor and second floor, illuminated by dazzling stained glass windows over the waters of the lake, compose a miniature pagoda.
Its lines, stucco or fresco decorations, and the charm of its design blend an architectural whole, which is a jewel.
Ferdinand IV wanted to reserve the Casina Reale for the most distinguished guests, such as the Emperor of Austria Francis II and Consort, Prince Frederick Clement Count of Metternich, Prince and Princess of Saxony, and Archduchess Caroline, who were guests of the Casina Reale at the trimalcionic banquets, which were repeated during their visits in 1819.
On the evening of 3/24/1846 they were received Czar and Czarina of Russia in a magnificent feast in their honor. The rulers of Prussia dined in the Casina Reale in January 1859, on the occasion of their informal visit to Naples, under the false name of Count and Countess of Zollern.
The entire Bourbon genealogy passed through there, as did King Umberto I and Victor Emmanuel III on hunting and fishing trips.
The last Head of State who was a guest of the Casina Reale, was President of the Republic Luigi Einaudi .
Other illustrious personalities passed through the Casina Rossa such as the great W. A. MOZART, who came to the Cumaean land to capture its atmosphere for his musical opera Tito and the effervescent genius ROSSINI, who between fishing and hunting trips, often wrote musical motifs and arias.