
Cala San Quirico

Cala San Quirico is part of the Val di Cornia Parks and is a beach for trekking enthusiasts. The small inlet can be reached from the Port of Baratti and Cala Moresca along the coastal road called Via dei Cavalleggeri. The path dates back to the 16th century and owes its name to the horse soldiers who patrolled it to sight pirates and smugglers. The beach of Cala San Quirico is made of large sandstone pebbles and opens onto a stretch of crystal clear blue water. The seabed is a "paradise" for snorkeling, but it is recommended to have rock shoes because of the presence of slippery and sharp rocks. The small bay is located between the more famous (and crowded) Buca delle Fate and the wild beach of Punta della Galera. Continuing along the Via dei Cavalleggeri towards Piombino, you will come across the charming cove of Fosso alle Canne. Cala San Quirico is not equipped, so you have to "do it yourself" to get water and shade.

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