The Byzantine Castle of Simeri Crichi stood on a promontory from which it was possible to see the coastal plain below.
"The consistency of the ruin does not allow a reconstruction of the artefact that appears to be of discreet extension: a stretch of walls emerge to the south-west slightly scarped and a circular tower tapered upwards without a stringcourse. Built around the 10th-11th century" with river stone and mortar, "in 1266 it passed to the Ruffo family" who transformed it into a private residence, "destroyed by the revolts of the Centelles, in 1482 it was readapted by the Ayerbo of Aragon and in the 17th century, during the Spanish viceroyalty, it was the object of adaptation works. Home of the Borgia, Ravaschieri, Di Fiore, Barretta-Gonzaga, it was damaged by the earthquake of 1783 and passed to the De Nobili family". Today it is owned by the municipality.