Burgio, country in province of Agrigento, defined the ” pearl of the Sicani mounts ”, besides having a Museum of the Mummies, it has also another great motive of charm: one of the foundries of bells more ancient of Italy, belonging to the family Virgadamo.
The foundry was founded not in the last century, not in 1800, but – hear, hear – in the distant 1500.the foundry has produced bells for centuries, exporting them to many countries in Italy and the world. From the neighboring Chiusa Sclafani, with a bell of 1750 that still calls the faithful to the Mother Church, to the bell of the M.SS. della Magione in Palermo, to Madagascar and Venezuela, the art of Virgadamo is present in many places. For this reason they have won professional merits that have allowed them to receive prestigious awards (inscription in the golden roll for professional merits, the Telamon and various certificates and trophies). The same Mario Virgadamo invented the first devices for electrification of the bells that have now been replaced with the new method of swinging or jumping bells.
Over the years a second craftsman, Rocco Cacciabaudo, has given his contribution to the continuation of this bell art, opening, in the same Burgio, his own foundry.