Religious Places

Buonconvento and the Church of Saints Peter and Paul

The main religious building of Buonconvento was built in 1103, as the white marble slab embedded in the façade recalls. The Church of Saints Peter and Paul is not exceptional but is famous for having been the place of death of Emperor Arrigo VII in 1313. Arrigo was King of Germany and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire from 1312 until his death and he worked to reduce the fights between Guelphs and Ghibellines earning the praise of Dante Alighieri. His entrails are preserved under the altar of Saint Anthony which is located in the church itself. According to legend he was poisoned with a host by a friar named Bernardino da Montepulciano, but perhaps it is only a legend. Once the church housed important paintings that are now preserved in the nearby Museum of Sacred Art.

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