Mozzarella di bufala campana is a dairy product traditionally produced in Campania, especially in the provinces of Naples, Caserta and Salerno. The production of this typical cheese also takes place in other parts of Campania as well as in southern Latium, upper Apulia and the Molise municipality of Venafro. The mozzarella buffalo, Italian Mediterranean buffalo, is a bovine, probably indigenous, as evidenced by the presence of a DNA different from any other buffalo genus. This contrasts with the tradition of those who would like it to be native to Asia, of a more massive build, dark in colour and with short hair, accustomed to living in marshy areas, in whose muddy soles they roll for the health of their skin and to defend themselves from excessive solar radiation.
The hypotheses on the birth of mozzarella are different, but they all date back to the Middle Ages. The first official document that speaks of Haversana mozzarella is recent and dates back to the beginning of the 15th century. The term mozzarella derives from the name of the operation of cutting the dough into individual pieces. It is often called the queen of Mediterranean cuisine, but also white gold or pearl of the table, in homage to the precious food and taste qualities of the product. Mozzarella di Bufala Campana d.o.p. is a table cheese made of soft spun paste derived from whole buffalo milk; the regulations contained in the Presidential Decree 28/9/1979 provide for the exclusive use of buffalo milk for the production of buffalo Mozzarella. This excludes even partial use of cow’s milk, otherwise Mozzarella could no longer be called "di bufala" and cow’s milk should necessarily be included among the production ingredients.In this case, first of all, attention must be paid to the name: only the product sold with the complete wording "Mozzarella di bufala campana" is the original one, while the product sold as "Mozzarella di bufala" is produced in any other part of Italy, with buffalo milk from farms distributed in other areas outside the protected area.
Furthermore, the product sold as ‘Mozzarella con latte di bufala’ (Mozzarella with buffalo milk) is always mixed with cow’s milk in varying proportions. Observe the colour of the Mozzarella by having a light source: this will result in a pearly, porcelain white.
Surface: smooth and shiny – Crust: very thin (less than a millimeter). and consistency characteristics are perceived during chewing. In this case, attention must be paid to the elasticity and hardness of the paste.
The consistency is slightly elastic in the first 8 to 10 hours after production, then more melting.