
Brisighella,the ancient medieval village

The village è sits at the foot of three chalk pinnacles on which rest the 15th-century Rocca Manfrediana, the 19th-century Tower known as the Clock Tower built on an earlier 1290 fortress and the 18th-century Sanctuary of Monticino. The village, composed of a maze of cobbled lanes, stretches of city walls, and stairs carved in chalk, encloses the’ancient Via del Borgo better known as “Via degli Asini” for the shelter it offered to the animals of the birocciai, a raised and covered road illuminated by arches of different widths. In Brisighella, which was the birthplace of eight cardinals, there are numerous sacred buildings; outstanding among them is the Pieve di S. Giovanni in Ottavo or Pieve del Thò, a striking three-nave Romanesque-style basilica, erected around the’eighth century and rebuilt in a larger form between the’11th and 12th centuries. About five hundred meters from the historic center, a picturesque walk takes you to the Spa Establishment, equipped with an outdoor swimming pool’n. Set in the gypsums of Brisighella, a few kilometers from the town, the Cà Carn&egrave Visitor Center and the Tanaccia Cave represent some of the most beautiful environments in the Romagna Chalk Vein Regional Park. The numerous festivals and festivals held throughout the year help to introduce the typical products, art, history and architecture of this place that preserves unchanged traditions of charm and beauty. At’the beginning of summer for example, between late May and early June, there’“Brisighella Romantica” A special occasion for original candlelight dinners with outdoor tables in the heart of the town. To make the evenings even more unique, in addition to specially prepared dishes, there will also be exhibitions and musical entertainment on the theme of love. Main product è the’extra virgin olive oil DOP “Brisighello”. From the’ancient indigenous pig breed, Mora Romagnola meat, processed in the traditional way, offers characteristic cured meats. On the clays of the gullies grows the small and delicate Moretto Artichoke, to be enjoyed raw in thin strips, or preserved in oil or made into cream. The Strada del Sangiovese, Strada dei Vini e dei Sapori delle Colline di Faenza è an itinerary of local delicacies. During the first two weekends of July, visitors can dive into one of the most intriguing eras of the past with the Medieval Festivals. Each year, a specially designed theme takes visitors back centuries, enlivening the city’with impressive sets, exhibitions, theatrical interventions and parades. An integral part of the festival are the banquets, set up in taverns and streets, where special period dishes can be enjoyed.

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