

From above, a fortress, a church and a crenellated tower watch over it as if they were guardians. Brisighella is revealed in the glitter of the chalk that emerges, peeping in the pastel colors of the houses of the historic center. Brisighella is an ancient medieval and thermal village in the Lamone Valley, in the Tuscan-Romagna Apennines, between Florence and Ravenna… It is characterized by three rocky pinnacles, the famous three hills, on which stand the Manfredi fortress (XIV century), the sanctuary of Monticino (XVIII century), the tower called the Clock (XIX century). A sea of green, chalky paths and stairways, ancient places of worship, houses placed in characteristic streets…. everything in Brisighella creates a set of sensations and unique experiences that arouse ancestral memories, far and near, of a world now disappeared for centuries. The town maintains intact its medieval urban layout: the village is composed of a maze of ancient streets, including the characteristic Via degli Asini, a raised and covered road, unique in the world. There are many sacred buildings and places of worship: the Pieve di San Giovanni in Ottavo, a suggestive temple in Romanesque style and the Chiesa della Collegiata, inside which there are important works of art, including a panel by Palmezzano. Brisighella, thanks to its ancient thermal baths, its historical, artistic, enogastronomic and naturalistic heritage, is the ideal place for a stay dedicated to wellness, culture and the pleasures of the table.

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