"Costa dei gelsomini", "Costa delle Tartarughe Caretta Caretta", is also how Brancaleone is defined.
It is precisely in the town of Brancaleone that the jasmine plant was imported from Liguria, around 1928. Its cultivation, introduced in Europe in the 16th century, boasts a very ancient history, dating back many centuries before Christ, when its flowers were used to celebrate sacred rites in India and Nepal. It arrived in the Greek territory, thanks to the reclamation provided by the Experimental Station of Essences of Reggio Calabria, gave rise to the construction of important cultivation plants, which fed a rather profitable perfumery industry, as well as specifically mark the area, along with the cultivation of precious green gold, bergamot.
But Brancaleone is also known to be the "cradle" of an important project aimed at safeguarding one of the most threatened species in the Mediterranean, the Caretta Caretta turtle.