If you are looking for an easy walk, to be done in all seasons in about two hours and immersed in nature, you have found it: it is the path of the black crab that leads from the center of Castelplanio to the hamlet of Macine. The path winds adjacent to the small ditch, has a length of just over 2 km each way (so consider about 5 km between round trip) with a drop of about 200 meters. You cross the river and riparian woodland where the vegetation is impressive, with rare tree species such as the white ontàno and flower species ranging from narcissus to wild orchids, with an imposing presence of the farfaraccio and hepatica to the beccalunga and the navel of Venus. Worth mentioning is the ancient Fonte del Coppo (18th century), the first source of water supply in Castelplanio. The water of the perennial ditch, the quality of which has improved a lot since 1995 due to the cessation of discharges, is actually a small river to be discovered, with waterfalls and mini-lakes, almost unknown and very suggestive because they are surrounded and protected by a luxuriant and imposing river wood.
The place is quite humid: avoid it after the rain. The path is also suitable for mountain bikes.
You can either leave your car near the town hall of Castelplanio and go down, or in the hamlet of Macine and go up. (Here you will find more parking areas).