Among the historical attractions of India a special place is occupied by the Bhangar Fort situated in Rajasthan. Notoriety of the old fort is so strong that there is a special table warning of dangers of these places. It’s prohibited to enter the territory of the fort from dusk to dawn. Local residents believe that these places were cursed.
Bhangarh Fort, India According to one legend, the fort witch cursed Singh, who was hopelessly in love with a princess living in the fortress. Exactly one year after his death, the war began. During it, all inhabitants of the fort, including a beautiful princess, were killed. According to another legend, Guru Balu Nath has lived there. Peaceful life of the hermit was suddenly disrupted by construction of the city. Hermit came to the people of the city asking to leave these places, but no one took seriously his request and construction of the fort continued. When the shadow of the huge building fell on a house of hermit, he left that once graceful and calm place. After a year the fort was empty and all local people have fallen victims to the war.
Locals believe that today the ruins of this once majestic fort are home to thousands of souls of dead people.