At Casalotto di Mombaruzzo, walking through the corridors, halls and lounges of the Berta distillery, one not only learns about the history of a family that has made the art of distillation its guideline, but also emerges, the desire to bear witness to the antiquity of a craft that has made history and the evolution of man, setting up in a large hall the systems and equipment previously used, partly by the family itself and partly recovered and purchased over the years. Among the stills, distillers, concentration bubbles and distillation columns that seem to parade and become exciting witnesses of a centuries-long history, the original distillation plant of 1947, dating back to the first year of activity of the distilleries, stands out.
To enlarge such an important cultural heritage there are stills of 1968 produced by the German Engineer Christian Carl of Goeppingen, some boilers of the company F.lli Mussi of Milan and an original parchment of 1662 in Latin language showing the act of foundation of an ecclesiastic aggregation in Casalotto di Mombaruzzo. It is also possible to admire a complete mapping of the territory of Mombaruzzo dating back to the end of the 18th century under the Pallavicini marquisate. The cadastral maps are perfectly preserved and photograph exactly the subdivision of the land properties of that time.