
Bermuda Triangle| Atlantic Ocean

This area of the Atlantic Ocean takes its name from its characteristic shape, that of a triangle. Over the years the belief that this is a cursed place has become more and more established: it is said that many ships in transit have disappeared into thin air, episodes that have earned this area the name of "Cursed Triangle". Still no one knows for sure what is hidden in this area… It is a huge area of the Atlantic Ocean, covering an area of about 1,100,000 square kilometers, triangular in shape, with the three vertices corresponding to the Bermuda Archipelago (North), the island of Puerto Rico (South) and the Florida Peninsula (West). The seabed has a depth of about 9,000 meters (the Pit of Puerto Rico, one of the deepest canyons of the Ocean). Since 1800 in this stretch of ocean there has been an impressive succession of unexplained events, of ships that disappeared and then mysteriously reappeared without a crew, of planes that disappeared from all radar and of which traces have been lost. Beyond the number of disappearances, all in all not so striking compared to the enormous traffic in the area, it is the ways in which the news is made and the questions still unsolved.

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