
Berchidda Wine Museum

The Wine Museum, with its enological-ethnographic tour, illustrates the cultural aspect of wine production in Sardinia. A simple but meaningful journey into the world of traditions, told by rudimentary work tools, where the supply chain is reconstructed starting from working the land, tending the vineyard, pressing the grapes, processing the cork and bottling. Through a glimpse of the Thyrsos exhibition, we are immersed in an ancient world of Mediterranean voyages, through which, on cargo ships, wine reached ports in fascinating wine amphorae. Along the way, a stage supported by the technology of a totem, allows us to learn more about the main topics on viticulture on the Island, through the viewing of the Cd Rom "Su Inu" (The Wine). A selection of old labels is paired with the exhibits. The graphics of the labels, the type of bottle, and the lettering themselves take us to a viticultural time period very different from that of today, although not very far away, showing us a sometimes radical change, on the concept of image, information and technology.

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